Published 2 years ago
Four insurgents walking near a stray dog almost get the good boy killed when an Apache opens fire. Fortunately, the Apache gunner is an absolute legend and gives the dog time to escape.
Man, videos like this are truly heart warming. Imagine your a stray dog in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan. Your life is already hell, because the people here think of you as an unclean vermin. You know you're just trying to be a good boy, doing the best that you can, but then one day you see a group of four insurgents marching down the street in your general direction.
Fortunately for you, you have much better ears than the insurgents coming towards you, so you already know that there's an AH-64D Apache helicopter hovering overhead watching these scumbags. You're not sure of the Apache's intent though, so you stick around hoping that the insurgents will maybe drop you some food, or at least entertain you in some way for a few minutes.
Then, out of nowhere you hear the sky erupt, and the ground near the insurgents just explodes in body parts, dirt, and carnage. Time to get the hell out of here!
You know the Apache gunner saw that doggo though. He was probably thinking, Oh man, look at that good boy. I better aim low and left to make sure he has enough time to clear the impact area. And, that's exactly what happened.
I mean, I can't say for sure that's how it happened. Most likely what happened was the Apache gunner squeezed off his load onto the insurgents to take them out, and the safety of the dog in his beaten zone wasn't even a thought at the time. Fortunately however, the doggo managed to escape, because good boys never die.
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