Taliban Continue to Launch Unguided Munitions as Civilian Casualties Rise

Members of the Taliban fire off an unguided mini-rocket as civilian casualties continue to rise in their latest offensive. In the past 72 hours of violence, 235 civilian casualties have been reported.

The Taliban, who are trying to make themselves seem like a legitimate force that wants to install a legitimate government, have not been doing a very good job of keeping their money where their mouth is. In the past 72 hours of violence, which has seen three provincial capital cities fall to the Taliban, over 235 civilian casualties have been reported, with 27 children being killed.

As we have seen in the past, the Taliban are fighting a ruthless war. They are killing Afghan Soldiers who attempt to surrender, and they are now lobbing unguided munitions into areas that are densely populated by civilians. On top of this, the group is keeping civilians inside of the homes they are occupying during their offensive to keep Afghan ground forces from using their superior heavy weapon systems to route them, essentially hiding behind civilians and children as they move forward.

It also seems lately that the Taliban have been ignoring peace talks with the Afghan Government, and the Biden Administration is applying zero pressure to the Taliban via airstrikes from drone operators stationed in the United States to help the Afghan Government gain any sort of upper-hand in the fight. The only way American bombs smash Taliban targets currently, is if there is a dire emergency on the ground. This sink or swim strategy that has been handed to the people of Afghanistan is an atrocity to the Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors from all of ISAF who have lost life and limb fighting in that country for the last two decades against the Taliban.

If the Biden Administration has no intentions of helping the country of Afghanistan fight against the Terrorist regime of the Taliban, then they should at least have the balls to own it. They should own the fact that they're letting a terrorist organization take over a country by holding the civilian non-combatants of that nation at gun-point. I bet instead, what we'll see is the Biden Administration completely ignore the on-going Taliban offensive.

"The people of Afghanistan have to choose."

Well, I don't think you're supposed to choose a government while you're at gun-point. But it seems that Biden learned nothing from Obama's mistake of pulling out of Iraq before the country was ready to fight its own battles. If I had to wager a guess, I'd be betting that either Al Qaeda is back in Afghanistan training international terrorists by the end of next year, or we see another Islamic State type group crop-up with a huge chip on their shoulder against the entire Western World. Only time will tell. For now, I'm hoping the country of Afghanistan manages to stay in control.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

Members of the Taliban fire off an unguided mini-rocket as civilian casualties continue to rise in their latest offensive. In the past 72 hours of violence, 235 civilian casualties have been reported.

The Taliban, who are trying to make themselves seem like a legitimate force that wants to install a legitimate government, have not been doing a very good job of keeping their money where their mouth is. In the past 72 hours of violence, which has seen three provincial capital cities fall to the Taliban, over 235 civilian casualties have been reported, with 27 children being killed.

As we have seen in the past, the Taliban are fighting a ruthless war. They are killing Afghan Soldiers who attempt to surrender, and they are now lobbing unguided munitions into areas that are densely populated by civilians. On top of this, the group is keeping civilians inside of the homes they are occupying during their offensive to keep Afghan ground forces from using their superior heavy weapon systems to route them, essentially hiding behind civilians and children as they move forward.

It also seems lately that the Taliban have been ignoring peace talks with the Afghan Government, and the Biden Administration is applying zero pressure to the Taliban via airstrikes from drone operators stationed in the United States to help the Afghan Government gain any sort of upper-hand in the fight. The only way American bombs smash Taliban targets currently, is if there is a dire emergency on the ground. This sink or swim strategy that has been handed to the people of Afghanistan is an atrocity to the Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors from all of ISAF who have lost life and limb fighting in that country for the last two decades against the Taliban.

If the Biden Administration has no intentions of helping the country of Afghanistan fight against the Terrorist regime of the Taliban, then they should at least have the balls to own it. They should own the fact that they're letting a terrorist organization take over a country by holding the civilian non-combatants of that nation at gun-point. I bet instead, what we'll see is the Biden Administration completely ignore the on-going Taliban offensive.

"The people of Afghanistan have to choose."

Well, I don't think you're supposed to choose a government while you're at gun-point. But it seems that Biden learned nothing from Obama's mistake of pulling out of Iraq before the country was ready to fight its own battles. If I had to wager a guess, I'd be betting that either Al Qaeda is back in Afghanistan training international terrorists by the end of next year, or we see another Islamic State type group crop-up with a huge chip on their shoulder against the entire Western World. Only time will tell. For now, I'm hoping the country of Afghanistan manages to stay in control.

josh brooks

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