Published 2 years ago
Canadian Soldiers from Edmenton find themselves in the center of an ambush by the Taliban in a 2006 deployment to Sangin. They respond with maximum violence, and they don't apologize.
The Canadians don't get enough credit for the work that they did in Afghanistan. Between all of their active and reserve components, in total, the Canadian Military has a standing strength of roughly 101,500 troops. This includes all of their support personnel. That makes the Canadian Military 79,000 troops shy of the size of the entire United States Marine Corps, the American Military's smallest branch of service.
With a troop strength that small, you would not expect to find out that the Canadians were out bangin in Sangin way back in 2006, but here's video evidence of them turning a Taliban ambush in that exact area of operations. For those not in the loop, Sangin was reported to be one of the most deadly places in all of Afghanistan throughout all of Operation Enduring Freedom. At the peak of NATO power, Sangin was one of the last Taliban strongholds where kinetic fighting with the Taliban was still an hourly occurrence.
So here's a shoutout to the Red Devils from Edmonton, Canada. We see you boys, and we recognize the work you all did in Afghanistan. Thank you for being our ally, and thank you for your sacrifices in Afghanistan. You guys are absolute legends.
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