Published 7 months ago
Location unknown. According to the source, this footage depicts Ukrainian SOF seizing critical high ground from Russian paratroopers. The Ukrainians are equipped with AR-style weapons and supported by drones, indirect fire, and EW assets. From their initial position, the Ukrainians discuss their drones operating overhead and receiving incoming fire, and they can be seen taking cover as enemy IDF lands near their trench. The Russian IDF is countered in kind, forcing the enemy to take cover. In anticipation of the Ukrainian assault, EW assets are activated to suppress Russian drones. During a window in EW coverage, a Ukrainian FPV drone strikes the Russian position and is closely followed by the infantry assault. The Ukrainians throw frags and then rush the enemy positions. The close action is not shown, but in the aftermath, we can see one of the Russian prisoners.
The planning, coordination, and timing of this little attack is evident. What is most interesting is the use of EW, which has occurred since the start of the war but has not been widely discussed. The Russians began the war with a quantitative and qualitative advantage in EW assets, and though the Ukrainians have improved in both categories they are forced to be far more judicious in the employment of these assets. Their selective use in this case and the close coordination with friendly IDF and drone assets is clearly effective and quite interesting to see, and is a reminder that combined arms is not exclusive to kinetic assets.
About the Author
Cam served as an infantry officer in the Marine Corps, deploying to the Horn of Africa and participating in combat operations in Iraq. He currently works in the maritime industry and in the defense sector as an instructor of combined arms planning and operations. An avid sailor, Cam founded and directs Triumph Sailing, a nonprofit that supports veterans and first responders through adventure and fellowship on the water. Triumph Sailing just completed its big yearly event, an offshore race in the Gulf of Mexico with an all veteran crew. You can support the mission and next year's sailing season at Tri-Sail.Org.
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